Oat Crunchies ZA

Having just spent a couple of weeks in South Africa, I of course, tried to access as much local, traditional food as possible. Biltong, Rusks, Ostrich steaks, and of course Oat Crunchies. I am a great fan of our own ANZAC biscuits. Oat crunches are pretty much the same recipe, but instead of forming into balls and turning into biscuits, oat crunchies are made by pressing the mixture into a tray and slicing whilst still warm in the tray after baking. I followed the following recipe from a sugar company’s webpage. It is marvellously simple. I made a few adjustments of course. I didn’t use any sugar and I made sure the flour was stone ground wholemeal. And of course, I used butter. Not margarine. They turned out to be lekker, to say the least.


310 ml (1 ¼ cups) Flour
310 ml (1 ¼ cups) Breakfast Oats
310 ml (1 ¼ cups) Coconut
185 ml ( ¾ cups) Huletts White Sugar
20 ml (4 t) Huletts Golden Syrup

125 ml ( ½ cup) Butter OR Margarine
5 ml (1 t) Bicarbonate of Soda
45–60 ml Boiling Water


  1. Combine the dry ingredients.
  2. Melt the Huletts Golden Syrup and butter together. Combine the bicarbonate of soda with the water and add to the butter mixture.
  3. Mix together with the dry ingredients.
  4. Press the mixture into a Swiss Roll tin (or for a thicker crunchie, bake in a square 20 cm x 20 cm tin) and bake for 20 minutes at 150°C. Gently press down the sides if they seem to rise too much.
  5. When light brown, remove from the oven and cut into squares. Switch off the oven. Return the crunchies to the oven for about 10 minutes to dry out.
  6. Allow to cool before removing from the tin.

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